Genius Hour #2: Abortion

My genius hour project was about abortion. I chose it because I think it’s a really interesting topic and there’s been an on-going debate on it for many years. I didn’t learn much, because I already knew a lot on my topic, but it helped my point of view on things change. I looked at both sides of the topic and it made me gain a new perspective.This helped me grow as a person because it made me not just look at one side of the topic, but both, to have a new understanding.

In my last genius hour project, I wrote everything I had to say on a piece of paper and I read straight off of it without making eye contact with the audience. But on this one, I wrote bullet points on note cards, and that forced me to look up to the audience. I think learning about abortion helps the community because it’s a topic that opens up opportunities to many services and health clubs.

Should abortion be legal?

Anonymous. Choosing Abortion. SexInfoOnline. UCSB. Web. 26 May 2015. 8 Feb. 2016. 

Here’s a link to my presentation! Do to it what you will!

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